Electric mobility

All your questions regarding the topic of electric mobility

The NFC 18 550 standard defines the requirements related to operations on EV/HV.

No, to qualify its staff, the employer is required to provide all the necessary means to carry out activities safely (PPE, tools, training, ...).

The thresholds defined by the standard are 60V for voltage and 180 Ah for battery capacity, regardless of their technology (PB, NiMh, Li-ion, …). However, it is important to be very cautious (especially regarding short-circuit risks) when handling 12V, 24V, and 48V batteries.

Most of the time, the equipment and authorizations are the same, but it is important to check the level of risk associated with electric arcs (APC 1/APC 2, 12cal or 25 cal).

It's obviously possible for a company to have several EV/HV operators, but it's important for the employer to ensure the safety of each and every operator. All operators must therefore be trained (or even certified) according to their exposure to electrical risk. While equipment can be pooled, this is not the case for PPE, which remains “individual and personal”.

No, it's up to the employer to check that operators have the appropriate status for the activity they're carrying out (Ordinary, Averti or Habilité), as defined in standard NFC 18 550.

Our electric mobility catalog will help you find all the tools and protective equipment you need for your activities.
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